The NEW Koden CVS-875D 15" quad frequency broadband echo sounder can simultaneously show 4 frequencies from within the operating range of the installed transducer (24kHz - 240kHz)
The Broadband transducer provides greatly enhanced fish detection making it easier to differentiate between the various fish species, large shoals of fish & the seabed. The result is better-targeted catches & a contribution to conservation of fish stocks.
CVS-875D features a dual, triple or quad frequency display with either a horizontal or vertical split. A range of Super Broadband transducers are available which operate on 38kHz to 75kHz, 130kHz to 210kHz & 85kHz to 135kHz.
Frequency can be adjusted in 0.1kHz increments for optimum fish detection, identification & also to avoid interference with echo sounders on other vessels. A 28kHz to 60kHz & 130kHz to 210kHz broadband transducer is also in development.
CVS-875D can output both depth and hardness data to the Olex system on every depth transmission for a detailed 3D seabed map. If the Olex system has the optional HT seabed discrimination module installed then Koden's hardness data output will be utilized to produce a 3D seabed image with Bottom hardness (Ground discrimination) shown, thus enhancing fishing based on bottom contour and bottom hardness information.
The CVS-875D series is also compatible with Sodena Turbowin/Easywin/Solowin 3D systems fitted with the low cost GD option to directly plot hardness on both 2D and 3D. The premade HiRes 3D charts give unparalleled detail when combined with the Koden CVS-870 series sounder hardness data.